This will be the first posting without a picture to accompany it. I'd just like to say hello to the Intel folks checking out the blog. In the past couple of weeks (since I put the info out that I have a blog) I've had 16 Intel individuals look at the site a total of 22 times. I can narrow it down to those coming through Oregon and those reaching the blog from Folsom. If you're not aware, all Intel internet traffic seems to be going through one of those two portals.
If you're getting a kick out of the blog, feel free to visit often. Leave a comment (thanks Lenny) so I'll get an idea of what you think of it. I'd be happy to stay in touch and get any critiques (constructive confrontation) you might want to give.
Just in case you're wondering, there is undoubtedly a "cookie" on your computer letting me know that you're a returning visitor.
Blog Archive
- can you believe it, i've never had any professiona...
- Start to Finish
- meet Lola.
- The Whole Story, Not Necessarily the Whole Picture
- Hello Intel People
- "A Grateful Nation"
- it makes you feel happy like an old time movie
- A Very Simple in Camera Technique
- Matching Composited Shadows
- why is the queen standing without a king?
- Everything Old is New Again
- And you've got a smile that could light up this wh...
- How to Get Saturated Colors in the Dry Darkroom
- When is a Picture Not a Photograph?
- i had the best days with you
- Not Always What it Appears
- so we just sit on a bench or stare at our shoes
- i fall in love and complicate things
- Simple Memories
- The Only Place to Shoot Flowers
- cause right now you're the only thing that's makin...
- The Case for Geo-tagging
- Panos Really Aren't That Hard
- on a balcony of summer air
- you're just a love machine