don't worry be happy

I've had a really tough week. Hardly any sleep, too much work and caffeine. I came home today with the thought that I would take a little nap no more than an hour. My little nap turned into 5 hours, more sleep than I've had for the past 2 days. I must say that although I lost a day of studying, I am thankful that I got some much needed sleep. After my family's little tragedy I've come to realize that health indeed should come first.
I've never worn over the knee socks before, especially ones that had a pattern, but I got them as a gift for Christmas so I thought I'd see what I could make of them. I paired them with light blue tights, and I must say that I love the look. I need to get some more over the knee socks for spring.

I'm off to go have some tea before I turn in for the night. I think another 8 hours of sleep would fully cure the sleep deprivation I've been experiencing lately.

Have a a great day everyone!

vintage Levi's shirt. Head skirt. vintage pocket watch. over knee and light blue tights are gifts. Aldo shoes.