It's a wide angle shot. I'm pretty sure you could tell that by the residual leaning of the clock tower. On the tower itself, all the vertical lines are parallel. If you were to grab a copy of the image, drag it into Adobe Photoshop CS5 and pull a guide out from the ruler you could position the guide over the verts and see that they're straight up and down. The big deal is that they look wrong. The close edge of the building appears to be jutting out toward the street. You should have seen it as it started. It looks like it would merge with the back of the building and the roofline looked more like a shed roof than a flat roof.
The biggest fault in today's image is the it "looks" wrong. It can be fixed. In the next post we'll have it look proper, but I can assure you none of the vertical line will be parallel. In painted art there's a term called trompe l'oeil or to fool the eye. While today's image is technically correct, it doesn't look right. It doesn't "fool the eye". In the next post it won't be technically correct, but will look proper. It will "fool the eye". One of the things we, as photographers, have to do is give the viewer a pleasing image, even though those with slip sticks and calipers (if you get the reference you're pretty damn old - as am I) would rule it wrong.
Now, about the sky. Once all the pushing and pulling is done and before anything happens with Shadow and Highlights (Image/Adjustments/Shadow-Highlights) or HDR Toning (Image/Adjustments/HDR Toning) you have to make a duplicate of where you are (Image/Duplicate). This will give us an exact copy of the image before any color, tone, density adjustments are done. Once all the refinements are done and the image "finished" would be the time to bring the duplicate in as a Layer. Using the Quick Selection Tool (W) select the buildings (or the sky, it really doesn't matter which) and save the selection (rick click on the Layer name area and pick Save Selection) . Put a Layer Mask on the upper Layer and see what you've done. If the sky is sharp and the building unsharpened, Invert the Mask (Crtl I [eye]). Flip the visibility of the Layer on and off to see what your starting point is.
You'll now have an HDR enhanced (???) image with a soft, natural sky. Sharpen the image and throw a Layer Mask over the sky again, keeping the sky unsharpened. Then put your vignette on the image and you're done.