American Apparel skirt. Keds. Hue socks. Vintage top, belt and bag. Hat from the Bay. Gifted jewelry. Michael Kors watch.
These photos were taken on the last normal summer day because we have now entered scorching temperatures. Not only is it hot, it's humid, which in my opinion, is much worse than having plain hot weather. I ventured outside today, only to realize that sitting in a shaded area was a much better plan.
I bought myself a well-needed summer hat. This one is so pretty, and I'll probably be able to wear it well into September/October. If any of you are spending your days outside, I recommend a hat!!
My new haircut is prompting me to try out different clothing styles. While this outfit is my usual self, I really want to venture out to something new because what could be more fun than diversifying your style?
Have a great upcoming week everyone!