rain rain come again

I'm becoming a very bad blogger, and that makes me very ashamed because I want to stay on top of things, but it's really hard to blog along with school. I think it's more the picture taking that I can't seem to fit into my schedule, although I think it will get better soon once I learn to properly manage my time in university. These past couple of weeks have been hectic, what with enormous amounts of readings, my social life, plus trying to get involved in many extra curricular activities. Plus I need to fit sleep into the picture as well.
Anyways, today was a rainy day, so I took out my yellow wellies. I love rainy autumn weather, it's my favourite time of the year. I love wearing big wooly sweaters, tights, raincoats and most of all I love sitting in cafe's drinking coffee with friends while looking out at the rain falling outside. It makes me positively squeal with glee.

sweater, Point Zero. skirt, Hollister. tights, unknown. jewelry, gifts/vintage. nails, Loreal. wellingtons, Cougar.