it's the start of the movie, only this time you're the star

Hello bloggers, I'm back and ready to get back to blogging, and to school. Today was the first official day of university and it was so surreal. It was hard to believe that I was actually there. Afterwards I hung out with some friends on my university campus. I had Frosh week from last Friday until yesterday, and it was honestly the most amazing experience ever. I met so many amazing people, it's actually hard to keep track of everyone that I met, although I'm trying my best. It was nice to come to class today and see familiar faces and sit with them in class.
Anyways, instead of blabbing on and on about my last six days, here is what I wore today to university. I hardly buy clothes especially for certain days or events, but I did buy this dress for my first day in university. It made me feel really confident, event though inside I was completely panicky.

How did you all spend the last week of summer?

dress, Forever 21. blouse, Forever 21. shoes, Aldo.