Blog Archive

i see your true colours

I am back, officially, I promise. These past two weeks have been an absolute whirlwind. I've been revising for tests, writing papers, attending birthday party after birthday party (I really never realised how many of my friends are born in November). Now I only have one more exam, in two weeks, and I am off for Christmas Holidays. This first semester of school has been very exhausting, although absolutely thrilling at the same time. I've had my share of late nights, melt-downs, horrible eating habits, procrastination, and such, but I believe next semester will be better since I'll be a tad more comfortable with everything.
I have to still find a good place to take pictures around campus. I can't seem to find any really good place yet, which is usually why I lack posts. I never have time to take pictures when I get home, and around campus, there are simply too many people everywhere.
On other news, I went to an AA Rummage sale last weekend with one of my friends. We waited in line for 8 hours to get inside. It was a horribly long wait, but we made some new friends and I ended up getting a lot of things for very good prices. It definitely was not worth the 8 hour wait, but it was truly an experience.

Anyways, hope you all have an amazing day :)
I must go catch up with commenting on your blogs.

dress, American Apparel. tank, Abercrombie. tights, Nordstrom. shoes, from Capezio but made by some Italian designer. cardigan, vintage. glasses, Gucci. coat, Burberry.

This is what I live off of.