The title given to today's image was "Just About Closing Time". It could happen! The reality is that the shot was taken a little after one o'clock in the afternoon on an overcast day. I showed the image to a commercial photographer I know and he bought into it being a night shot. When I told him the time it was taken, his big question was "but how did you get the detail in the store through the windows?" The easy answer is that he saw what he thought he saw, not what really there. The detail "in" the store is a reflection of the buildings across the street. Take a look at "through" the window on the left. At the bottom you can see what might be bins or a display case. At the top there's lights. The lights were there and were emphasized to be seen through the window. That's probably the key to the illusion. Just under the lights is the reflection of the railing of the upper balcony of the other building. Without being told, you can accept it as being what's known as "top stock". Extra stock that doesn't fit in a normal display rack.
There was a lot of work put into today's image, but I'd estimate that I could take out at least one third of the lines using methods I use today. Education at the gallery never stops. Too many people get to a level where they make money using Photoshop and stop. That means they using methods that are obsolete by today's standards, but the money keeps flowing in, so what do they care?