
Gap cardigan, vintage skirt, unknown tights, Geox flats, Forever 21 blouse, skirt gift from Spain, Burberry trench coat.

Dear Toronto,

I love you dearly. We're really great pals. We hang out, we explore exciting places, we go shopping, dine out, but lately I've been feeling empty. First you're hot, then you're cold, then hot, and then cold again. It's really tearing me apart. Why can't you just pick hot and stay with it. Make a decision, and stick with it. It's supposed to be sunny, but lately you're all rain and wind. I hope we can work this out. I don't want to feel angry, but how can I bring out my summer wardrobe if you refuse to heat up?

With love and hope of your making up your mind,

Ps. I wanted to use paler tones in my outfit today, so I chose a pale pink cardigan, teal shirt, and black skirt with pale pink/yellow flowers. This is probably my second favourite skirt ever. It's just perfect in every possible way.

Have a great weekend!