Waiting For Summer

It's cold. Winter started a short time ago and we're in for a couple months of not so much fun shooting outside. Winter is a good time to shoot in the studio. Either getting "models" (friends typically) to dress and do some set pieces or doing floral, light drawing or tabletop photography. That doesn't mean we can't think about summer and where we might want to do some shooting once the cold starts to abate. Today's image comes from a great place to shoot that's not an unreasonable distance away. It's in Harriman State Park in New York, about an hour hour's drive. Harriman is about 46,000 acres and has more than 200 miles of hiking trails. It's about 30 miles west of here and 30 miles north of New York City. Today's image is of a stream about 15 feet off one of the roads through the park. Another place to look forward to in the spring is Kelly Stand Road in southern Vermont. It has a very impressive stream running along its side, with great boulders making spectacular drops. It's a weekend trip, but one that we'll start planning as soon as the snow is gone. We'll want to get the snow melt from higher on the mountains to give some terrific flow. You can always count on coming back with some very saleable images from that road. To find out more about Kelly Stand Road, check out Dave Middleton's book "A Photographer's Guide to Vermont". It's worth purchasing. Well, hope everyone is staying warm.