the caffeine machine

This weekend I thought it would be interesting to research various careers. I've always liked the idea of becoming a journalist, but I've never had the opportunity to actually have articles published. Even though my high school had a paper, the editors were terrible, and in my last year, they only managed to publish 2 issues the whole year. Nevertheless, now that I'm in university, I realised I have opportunities given to me each day. Therefore, I'm going to take advantage of these opportunities and see how much I like journalism. This is one of the reasons I'm so grateful to be in university. Whatever I want to do, I have the chance to do it.
When I was younger, my aunt would come to visit, but then she would leave behind clothes that she didn't like much. My mom never wore them, but the other day I found this dress and thought I would see what I could make of it. I'm definitely going to search for more of my aunt's clothes.

Have a great day!
Capezio shoes. Naf Naf dress. unknown tights. Forever shirt. French Connection sweater. vintage belt.