When you're down and lost, Along the way, Oh, just tell yourself, Ah, I'll be ok

What a terrible day. School has got me so consumed, I'm literally walking around on the verge of tears everyday. I really just want to graduate and be done with high school. On brighter news, spring is really turning into full gear and the sun just keeps on shining. Always a good sign.

I'm currently getting back into my drawing phase after having been on a hiatus after all the stressful portfolio stuff for university was dealt with. Hopefully in the next couple of days I'll be able to scan some stuff and post it for you all to see. :)
Also, since I've been pretty down lately and just stressed out, I found that listening to
I'll Be Ok by McFly really helps. Plus it's just an amazing song. So check it out. You have to really listen to the words as well. :)

skirt, Forever 21. tights, unknown. shoes, Aldo. long-sleeved shirt, American Apparel. fedora, Aldo.
For my little quote of the day:
If you can't sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there and worrying. It's the worry that gets you, not the loss of sleep.
-Dale Carnegie