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Lately I don't like most of the things that I see in stores...or I suppose it's rather the price tags that I don't like. I've given up on buying cheap clothing, like Forever 21. As pretty as they are, the quality is not good, and although the price is affordable, in the end, it's a waste of money for a piece of clothing that after one or two wears will look terrible. Instead I've taken to investing in more expensive items that will look great for a long time. The problem is that those items all cost a lot more than I want to spend, so I'm in this frumpy circle that I don't like. Although it has given me a chance to take random clothes around the house and try to remix them in unique ways.

This AA dress is one of those expensive, but good quality pieces I was talking about. I know I've said this before, but I LOVE IT! It's so durable and I've worn it so many times, and so many different ways. Definitely a piece I'd like to have more of in different colours.

Ps. This is my 200th post. Woot! I can't believe I've had 200 things to say.

Nordstrom tights. Browns shoes. AA dress. Vintage blouse. Fairweather vest. Jewelry are gifts. Colosseum ring from Aldo. Leather jacket -don't know the maker.