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you've got a friend in me

I've had an amazing weekend. Yesterday, me and three of my friends went out for dinner at a golf club (I'll post my outfit photos another day), and then today we went to Toronto Island. We packed a picnic lunch, rode a quadricycle (we brought iPod speakers along through which we blasted Lady Gaga, Down With Webster, Katy Perry and more; we got lots of looks from other bike riders because no one else thought to bring music along for the ride), walked through a maze, and just had a lot of laughs in between.
These are some of the photos we took. My camera got passed around, so all photos of me are taken by my friends. Self-timer was used for the four of us, and a couple of the random shots might have been taken by my friends, but I honestly can't remember.

Ps. Hedley has become my summer music.

Wearing an American Apparel skirt and shorts, flats from a boutique in Lithuania, necklace and earrings that were gifts, Ray Ban Wayfarers, vintage belt, and Forever 21 shirt.