I went university book shopping today, although I only bought books for 3 of my 5 courses because I still don't know the books that I need for the other two courses. Before I ended up at the book store, I somehow got sidetracked into Kensington Market where I found myself infront of my favourite vintage clothing shop. Inside I discovered, buried behind racks of clothes, a deep yellow vintage Christian Dior skirt. It felt a bit like Christmas I must admit, especially because the price was simply amazing. After my little vintage shopping trip I got lost within Kensington Market due to the amount of people there. Yet, it turned out to be alright for I stumbled upon many wonderful things such as a life size scrabble board game in session, some music and dance shows, a $1 book sale (I didn't find anything I liked), and many other exciting things. The streets were crowded, I'd never seen Kensington Market so full before, but it was quite nice.
After finding my way out of the maze of streets I went to buy my books. Before going home I stopped to buy a green tea at Starbucks and take pictures outside one of the buildings in my university. I have to find out a good way to take my pictures without a tripod, so today was sort of a trial run.
Once home, I spent the day outside taking pictures and spending time with family, overall, a lovely Sunday.
Hope you all had amazing weekends! :)
cardigan, French Connection. skirt, vintage. tee, Forever 21. shoes, Aldo. headband, thrifted. jewelry, gifts.