Blog Archive

look ugly in a photograph

According to my dashboard, this is my 100th post, and therefore, I have a little video for you all. My first vlog, as promised ages ago.

I don't think I did that great of a job explaining why I named my blog what I did since I get really camera shy, even when it's just me. Anyways, to explain further, when I say fashion "restraints", I'm referring to the people around us. For example, in high school most kids dressed exactly the same. On non-uniform days students seemed to be more in uniform than on regular days. When I used to come to school dressed differently, people would look at me weird, therefore, being able to step out of this realm where people dress the same, is in a way breaking free of the fashion restraints that some put around us. Look Ugly in a Photograph initially represents all of the fashion bloggers who post their outfits to show the world their unique sense of style, and anyone who dares to dress in a way that may seem "different" to a majority of people. It's daring to not be afraid of looking "ugly" in the eyes of society.
Hope you all understood that!

Ps. Reaching my 100th post makes me feel as if I'm truly a blogger now. :)

Outfit details: dress, vintage. jewelry, gifts. shoes, Nicole. headband, thrifted.

I have decided to allow anonymous posting, so even if you don't have a blog you can comment :)