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A merry little ghost it is, Dancing gayly by itself, On the flowery counterpane, Like a tricksy household elf

The weather in Toronto today was terrible. It was hot, humid and in the middle of the day it started pouring rain. The streets near Lake Ontario were flooded and many home owners experienced floods in their houses. At work the hallways got flooded, and I ended up soaked trying to help get the water out. By the time I got home, the rain had gone, but a horrid sight was left. Tree branches were lying about, huge puddles of water revealed a couple dry spots, cars were submerged up to the top of their wheels in water, flowers were lying dead as they couldn't stand the heavy pounding of the rain. In general it was pretty horrible, and tonight there are supposed to be more thunderstorms. I like rain, but this is just getting out of control.

Since there was no rain when I got home, and my house was one of the lucky ones to not get a flood or have our whole yard trashed, I decided to make use of one of the old vintage night gowns I have lying around in my basement. This little photoshoot is meant to exemplify a spirit flying around. I've always like ghost stories, and haunted houses, and I thought that this type of photoshoot would do well in representing the spirits that some believe to roam around. I don't know how I feel about spirits myself, but the whole general idea is superbly entrancing to me. I picked out my favourites from the photoshoot, the ones I personally believe represent the whole mystic notion of spirits and ghosts the best.

On other news, I really want to learn French. I gave up French in high school because it was rather dull due to the teaching method. I think that learning grammar and such should come after one can actually pronounce words correctly. I mean the reason little kids learn languages easily is because they learn from listening and hearing, not conjugating verbs. Therefore, I'm going to try and self teach myself to learn French. I've always enjoyed French programming, so I could listen and watch. I know quite a bit of words, so it's only learning to pick up on the words I don't know, and then learning their definition. Tips would be appreciated.